Fracking pioneers
North Dakota, USA
In the US, shale gas is the new gold. And Williston (ND) is the new Klondike. The population of this little isolated city doubled in less than two years, to reach more than 20.000 people. Despite the high cost of living and the roughness of the climate, they come to work, attracted by the very high salaries. Not to mention many of the local landowners, who have seen their revenues blooming from the extraction of gas located on their properties. The women you are about to see are born here or came with their families, or even alone, to spare some cash and afford a better life.
With the hydraulic fracturing technology, the US could reach energy independence. But the environmentalists are making their voices heard. As to them, supplies, resources and profits have been overstated while the risks were underestimated. What if this magic answer was basically wrong ? What if this new Eldorado was a mirage ? What if this dream just brought you back to your own loneliness ?